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Lasers in Dentistry

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Lasers in Dentistry – Minimally Invasive Procedures

Dental lasers are a medical technology that emits a beam of concentrated light. When used for surgical and periodontal procedures, the laser acts as a cutting instrument. The procedures performed with dental lasers are minimally invasive and preferable to conventional surgery.

Lasers in dentistry allow for many procedures to be performed with no noise, minimal pain, less bleeding, faster recovery times, and fewer appointments.

Additional Benefits include:

Reduced heat and vibration
Little or no need for anesthetic
Minimal bleeding
Faster treatment time
Reduced damage to healthy tissues
Minimal post-operative swelling and discomfort
Fewer infections or post-operative complications

Functions of Lasers include:

Remove areas of tooth decay
Reshape gum tissue
Dental implant placement and improved retention
Eliminate infection in gum tissue pockets
Perform dental extractions
Perform frenectomies (such as correction of ankyloglossia)
Biopsy or remove soft tissue lesions and ulcers

Contact us today to schedule your appointment!

Charlotte Office
15830 Ballantyne Medical Place, Suite 120
Charlotte, NC 28277
Matthews Office
3065 Senna Drive
Matthews, NC 28105
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