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Dental Implants

Mature woman with beautiful smile at Sunset

What is a Dental Implant?

Implant Supported Dentures

Dental implants are small anchors made of a biocompatible metal called titanium that are placed in the jawbone. Dental implants are the replacement of tooth roots in the mouth. Once placed, the anchors begin to fuse with the bone over the course of a few months. After the fusing process, known as osseointegration, abutment posts are inserted into the anchors to allow for the permanent attachment of the replacement teeth.

Learn More about the Benefits of Dental Implants

Implant Supported Bridges

Implant Supported Bridge

An implant supported bridge is a restorative solution for spaces where three or more adjacent teeth are missing. This restoration typically requires two implants to support the porcelain bridge. The bridge provides a functional and aesthetic replacement for a patient’s natural teeth.

What are the advantages of an implant supported bridge?

Because of the natural look and feel of the porcelain and the functional stability provided by the implants, implant supported bridges are an effective solution to replace multiple missing teeth.

A traditional bridge uses teeth on either side of the gap where teeth are missing for support. An implant supported bridge uses two or more dental implants rather than the adjacent teeth. When a bridge uses natural teeth for attachment, the natural teeth must be prepped for crowns and are then subject to increased stress which may be damaging – particularly if the existing tooth, roots, or surrounding bone structure are already compromised. A dental implant supported bridge replaced your missing teeth and avoids putting any additional stress on your natural teeth.

Fully Edentulous (Toothless) Solutions

For patients missing many or all of their teeth, implant retained or implant supported dentures may be an alternative to traditional dentures. These solutions can simulate the look and feel of natural teeth and stay fixed in place with the implants acting as anchors. Using implants for retention or the support of dentures allows for a smaller and more comfortable base and less shifting of the prosthesis during use.

Implant Supported Denture Photo
Implant Supported Dentures
An implant supported denture requires the placement of four to six dental implants as “anchors” to provide a sturdier fit and minimal mobility for your denture. With implant supported dentures, there is no plate covering the roof of the mouth, so speaking and eating are more natural and comfortable than with traditional dentures. For qualifying patients, our doctors may be able to complete the removal of all teeth and the placement of a temporary arch on the same day.
Implant Retained Denture
Implant Retained Dentures
An implant supported denture requires the placement of four to six dental implants as “anchors” to provide a sturdier fit and minimal mobility for your denture. With implant supported dentures, there is no plate covering the roof of the mouth, so speaking and eating are more natural and comfortable than with traditional dentures. For qualifying patients, our doctors may be able to complete the removal of all teeth and the placement of a temporary arch on the same day.

Contact us today to schedule your appointment!

Charlotte Office
15830 Ballantyne Medical Place, Suite 120
Charlotte, NC 28277
Matthews Office
3065 Senna Drive
Matthews, NC 28105
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